the input unit is use to communicate with the computer. it consists of devices that accept data and information from the outside world in human readable from and convert it into machine readable from before providing it to the main memory. these devices are often referred to as
peripheral because they are physically separated from the electronics that make up the "brain"of the computer. same typical input peripherals are punched-card reader's , keyboard, teleprinter(also called teletypewriter),mouse,joystick and stylus (a type of pen by witch one can writer on the screen of the computer).most personal computers come equipped with a keyboard and a mouse as input devices,other input peripherals have to be purchased at extra cost.
it is not unusual to consider magnetic tape and disk units to be both input and memory of their major functions is to store data and programs that will be fed to the computer's main memory upon commands from the control unit.
the output units consists of peripheral devices that transfer information from the main memory to the onsite perform ll the operations in binary code and the results produced are also in binary form.the output units receives the results produced are also in binary form and converts in Ito human readable form before communicating it to the user.typical output peripherals include video display unit, printers, plotters,teleprinters and fax machine. note that teleprinters and modems can serve as both an input and an output devices.
magnetic tape and disk memory units can also be considered output peripherals s data and programs are often recorded to one of these external storage memory devices for long-term storage.
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