the first step to check for virus infection, is to use a reliable virus checker. however, no matter how much they tell you how good they are, it is recommended to use at least two of them. the more famous ones are given below,
Norton anti-virus
Demolition's anti-virus
s not important, you can always delete it. if you do not know that the file is used for do not delete it.
virus hoax are false report about non-existent viruses, often claiming to do impossible things. some reciprocally believe a hoax to be a true virus warning and hwy take drastic action such as shutting down their network.
typically, hoaxes are E-mail which describe a dangerous new undetectable virus. usually using downloading E-mails that have a particular subject line. for instance,the good time hoax claims to put your computer's CPU in "an nth-complexity infinite binary loop which can severely damage the processor".the hoax warns you not to read or downloading anything with the subject "Good time" because ye message is a then urges you to forward the warning to as many people as possible.
sometimes hoaxes can cost you even more then a genuine virus incident. after all, no anti-virus will detect hoaxes because they are not viruses.some companies panic when they receive a hoax virus warning and assume the worst,making the situation much worse
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