Monday, 12 January 2015

what is browsing web?explain.

             BROWSING THE WEB
making a leap from one computer's web page to another's is simple matter of clicking a picture or piece of text, known as a link, on the screen. such links allow user to interact with documents stored on computers

across the internet as though they were part of a single text. using links to jump from site to site is commonly known as surfing the of the main reasons for the web,s success is its graphical interface which presents colorful typeset pages, graphics,sounds and videos.
programs designer to let you access and navigate the web are known as web browsers. these days, most browsers are more properly called internet browser because they include e-mail capabilities, newsreaders and tools for downloading files. the most widely used browser are Netscape communicators and explorer.
when you first run your browser,you will probably land on a particulars web page. which one will depend on which browser you are using.all the major browser offer some means of storing the names and curls of sites that you like so you can easily  return to them later. in Netscape communicator, these stored site addresses is called bookmarks. in internet explorer, they are called favorites.

what is browsing web?explain. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: All apk power


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